Adsense for video Strobe plugin (plus html5 mobile version).
Here is a simple Strobe player plugin that supports linear video ads delivered from Google adsense for video or doubleclick account. The plugin accepts two parameters:
- ad url - the full url of the ad with all the parameters
- ad time - specifies when the video ad should be displayed during playback
We also have Google video ads plugin for Mediaelementjs player
Embed code for the example:
function embedStrobeMediaPlayback( ){
var easyBitsOptions = {
poster: "/images/videos/video-placeholder.png",
src: "",
streamType: "recorded",
width: 640,
height: 360,
enableStageVideo: true,
controlBarAutoHide: true,
playButtonOverlay: true,
plugin_ads: "/downloads/adsense-for-video/strobeplayer/1.0/easybits-strobe-adsense-for-video.swf",
ads_midroll: '[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dlinear', //ad params
ads_midrollTime: 1, //ad timing
id : "strobeMediaPlaybackId"
if(typeof easyBitsOptions.ads_midroll != 'undefined' && typeof easyBitsOptions.ads_midrollTime != 'undefined'){
easyBitsOptions.ads_midroll = easyBitsOptions.ads_midroll.split('=').join('equals').split('&').join('amperc');
// easyBitsOptions.ads_midroll = easyBitsOptions.ads_midroll.split('&').join('amperc');
var $strobemediaplayback = $("#strobemediaplayback");
window.$player = $strobemediaplayback.strobemediaplayback(easyBitsOptions);
window.player = $player[0];