Autoplay/autostart videos on iOS and Android 4+
Take this opportunity to take advantage of a new approach that allows to autoplay(autostart) a video on iOS(namely iPhone 4+ and iPad) and Android 4+ devices. First see how it works in action above.
It is a known limitation that html5 videos do not start on iOS and Android 4+ without user interaction like click which affectively does not allow for video ads to be played as soon as the page loads. As you can see we have a solution for this: with our video format you can set video to autoplay or start it without a trigger on the user side on these devices.
It does have a limitation however – on mobiles(iPhone, iPad, Android) without user interaction video starts muted that is it plays with no audio and can be unmuted only in an event handler attached to something like click.
On the other hand this solution has another benefit – it allows you to play video inline on iPhone 4+ (ordinary html5 videos go full screen) which means you can overlay it with something like an ad or subtitles and the user can still interact with your webpage.
You can find out more about our API and get your test video encoded for free on this page.